Fairy Fun

The Pirate Princess

LooKing OuT tO Sea… thE pirate Princess could feel the salty air whip through her long dark hair — her eyes flashed with joy as she watched the sails on her Ship the * FlyinG Maiden * fill with the same strong gusts that was now caused her hair to fly around her head like […]

A MisT driftS sLowlY aCross tHe still Sea

A MisT driftS sLowlY aCross tHe still Sea… noT a brEath of WinD can be heaRd ….. thEn iN the disTance … a voice Starts To SinG cLeaR anD trUe…. a voIce of An AngeL…a sIren sings The Song of Lost Sailors .. saD buT truE.. guidinG thEm tO tHeRe Doom…BeWaRe ThIs Halloween…the sireNs could […]

At The Horizon

The FirsT LighT breAks …a daRk lavEnDer Sky ShrUgs off ThE nIgHts CoLd embrace … abovE ThE sTaRs StreTCh AnD YaWn aNd OnE bY onE tHey BLInk OuT , SLEePinG Till ThEy aRe neeDed AgaIn..lAvEnDeR TUrnS tO PInk BluSh WhIch ThEn TuRns tO GoLd…thE bIRds aRe sInGinG thE nEw DaY haS beGun… x


a small trip to the beach. To make sand castles.. And feel the breeze on our faces.. Sun on our skin and sand between our toes.. Inspired a new feeling — which we wanted to share with you in our new jewellery.. Each piece is unique, no two pieces are the same… Stand out from […]