SnowQueen Icewand

About SnowQueen Icewand

She protects the vulnerable and brings justice to the wronged. She lives in in the white Lands,where Winter Sun always Reins. She can only be seen when the seeker holds a glittering icicle . She wears a faded heather coloured dress, edged with snow and has icy fairy wings the colour of a faded winter sky.

Family Time

Family time means a lot to me, i just wish i d understood that more when my oldest were little, its only as they got older i understood how fleeting this time was, how you cant relive moments, now flown. Now dont get me wrong, i spent all my time with them, we did things […]

Free Stuff!!

I’m very much into free things. it gives me a buzz to be given free stuff!! I can’t help it, I love stuff! So, on my local free site a very nice lady was giving away seeds and of course the side kick and I are growing food. So, the upshot was I’d go and […]

Sea glass with love for my birthday

My birthday is fast approaching — squeak!! What am I asking for?….  I’m considering some beautiful sea glass jewellery from our shop hand made by Amour Statement Jewellery, each piece of jewellery is unique, no two pieces of sea glass are the same – Sailors used to say sea glass was *mermaids tears* as they had […]


I’m hiding in the bathroom! Drinking tea and having a sit down. I have a mud mask on my face and coconut oil in my hair. This is mommy pampering at its finest! How did this happen? I casually announced I was popping for a shower. No-one put up a fuss (or seemed to be […]

The FaiRiEs Are FlYing

UnderNeath A PERfeCT Blue WinTers Sky, the Fairies Fly, FlutteriNg Here and ThErE aboUt ThEir FaiRy BusinEss. FlashEs oF gliTTering Light Appears aT the coRner of your Vision… you HeAr The QuiCk FlUttER Of ThEir WiNgs As TheY BruSh By YouR CheeK..

The Pirate Princess Part 2

ThE AdvEntUrEs pasT hAd taKeN tHe priNceSs tHrough To thE MytHicAL wOrLD, HeRe SoMe How hEr ShiP had cRosseD thE gReAt bEyoNd. The GrEAt mEnETh hEr oWn trUe frieNd, gUaRdian AnD coMpaNion sincE biRth, HeR mOtHer mAking alL ARranGemEnts BEfore She diEd. tHe pRinCesS was bEloVeD OnlY ChilD Of tHe MucH aFearEd but faiR PirAte kiNg […]


a small trip to the beach. To make sand castles.. And feel the breeze on our faces.. Sun on our skin and sand between our toes.. Inspired a new feeling — which we wanted to share with you in our new jewellery.. Each piece is unique, no two pieces are the same… Stand out from […]