TraVel To PaRis

Travel to Paris adjustable statement ring ? £7 p&p £1 in uk – £2 international-

TaKe tHe steAmeR to FraNcE – WatCh yOur SteamEr TrunK Be LoaDed oN thE oVerNight TrAin To #Paris – step Out oN tO tHe STeaMY PlaTfOrm- unDer an Inky StaR fIllEd NigHt – breaTh in The ExCitmEnT – the #AdvEnture beGins HeRe … Xx


About Gentle Yewwand

She casts spells of enchantment. She lives in villages and even in bold city places. She can only be seen when the seeker holds a four-leafed clover. She wears brightly coloured stripy clothes like a bee and has russet-coloured wings like a brightly coloured butterfly.